Euro Services is a consultancy and training, with its staff and partners collaboration of professionals, promote growth and economic development land and businesses through the study and implementation of projects and development plans for companies and bodies at regional, national and international level, organizes and manages seminars, courses of higher vocational training and social advancement, including training. Also performs activities to accompany the creation and start-up company, guidance, surveys and investigations, research, marketing, processing of data, feasibility studies, promote the activity of assistance and professional advice by qualified, specialized and functionally coordinated, directed at companies and public and private as well as research, development and innovation.
Euro Services:
-Is accredited by the Sicilian Region for vocational training activities;
-is authorized, pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 2 of law no n.276/2003, by Directorate General of the Labor Market of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Policies, to conduct the business of Search and Selection of Staff;
-Is the Information Desk POR Sicily under the Memorandum of Understanding "Communication Partnership" agreement with the Region of Sicily;
-Has a quality management system certificate ISO 9001:2000 in EA 35 (design and delivery of consulting services to - businesses, research and development and data processing) and EA 37 (design and delivery of vocational training services) See the policy Quality Euro Services.
Staff & Professionisti Partners:
- Mirella Papa (Administrator)
- Massimo Papa (Dottore Commercialista Revisore Contabile - "Chartered Certified Accountant")
- Paolo Bertolini (Senior Corporate Adviser - Area consulenza e formazione)
- Daniele Sgroi (Dottore Commercialista - Consulente Aziendale)
- Vincenza Scaccia (Corporate Adviser - Area consulenza e formazione)
- Susanna Zagra (Senior Corporate Adviser - Area consulenza e ricerca)
- Katia Murania (Com. Tecnico Scientifico)
- D'Angelo Giuseppe (Consulente del Lavoro)